
  • IT-Servicetechniker (m/w)

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Dann sehen Sie sich unsere komplette Stellenbeschreibung an: IT-Techniker



  • Steuerfachangestellter (m/w)

Sie sind ausgebildete/r Steuerfachangestellte/r?

Sie sind fit in der DATEV-Software

und Sie sind technisch affin?

Sie suchen eine neue Herausforderung?


Dann schauen Sie sich die komplette Stellenbeschreibung an:

 Steuerfachangestellter m/w

The dream mentioned previously in this chapter, and the dreams in the chapter on the subconscious, are all fairly easy to understand and I used them because they clearly illustrate how dreams can guide us. However, because they are so easily decipherable, they are the exceptions.

Ninety percent of your dreams will make little or no sense whatsoever. They will seem like nonsense, like a foreign language that you don't understand.

Your dreams are messages sent from your subconscious to you, and as such they are showing you something about yourself. Dreams are always about you and your circumstances—where you are stuck, what you're avoiding, what you're missing, what you're ignoring, where you need to go.


Ninety-five percent of the time all the characters, creatures, monsters and strangers in your dreams represent aspects of yourself. When you go about interpreting a dream assume that all the people in the dream are you (except when you recognize the characters—children, spouse, parents, co-workers, and so forth—and even then they are sometimes you).

The dream mentioned previously in this chapter, and the dreams in the chapter on the subconscious, are all fairly easy to understand and I used them because they clearly illustrate how dreams can guide us. However, because they are so easily decipherable, they are the exceptions.

Ninety percent of your dreams will make little or no sense whatsoever. They will seem like nonsense, like a foreign language that you don't understand.

Your dreams are messages sent from your subconscious to you, and as such they are showing you something about yourself. Dreams are always about you and your circumstances—where you are stuck, what you're avoiding, what you're missing, what you're ignoring, where you need to go.


Ninety-five percent of the time all the characters, creatures, monsters and strangers in your dreams represent aspects of yourself. When you go about interpreting a dream assume that all the people in the dream are you (except when you recognize the characters—children, spouse, parents, co-workers, and so forth—and even then they are sometimes you).

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